When I started this business, all of my scissor sharpening was performed on-site at the salon or studio. I still enjoy getting out on appointments to visit customers at their location. If your salon or studio is located within reasonable reach of Jupiter, Florida, I will be glad to come to you. I can usually be there within a few days, sometimes sooner if a stylist is in a real jam with a non-performing scissor and no back-up. My business was built on providing both a quality scissor sharpening and prompt service and I try to be as accommodating as possible to customers in need.
I arrive, I will work inside your facility using the exact same equipment that I use in my workshop. I don’t work outside from a truck in the parking lot. This is almost always an indicator of a scissor sharpener who uses the wrong equipment and the wrong techniques, and who will hand you back a scissor that simply can’t perform properly. As a professional stylist, you already know the symptoms – a shear that can’t slide, gives a crunchy cut, which pushes or folds the hair, or doesn’t cut at all. I receive many phone calls from stylists who tried to save a few dollars by using someone else who botched the job. They end up spending more money and they frequently have a scissor that has been severely damaged, or even destroyed. I am willing to bet that if you been in the business for a few years, you probably know someone who has had this happen to them.
Inside your salon, I will need a small work space with access to electricity. Sorry, but I don’t do any scissor sharpening at empty station shelves, on top of washing machines or counter tops, or anywhere else except the portable workstation (including a small table, folding chair and light) that I bring with me. I may sound like a sharpening snob, but this allows me to provide ultra-consistent sharpening by using the exact same positioning and lighting every single time. You will generally not hear a thing, and I don’t leave any mess when I leave. You may even enjoy watching how it’s done, although I don’t expect you to get the same kick out of it that I do. I also provide a broad selection of loaner shears for you to use while I’m working on yours.
One of the important things that I do is ask you about your style of cutting. Different styles will often require different edge construction. I don’t create the same edge for a scissor used primarily for pure slicing as I would for one that does a lot of tip work. If a stylist simply wants a quality all-around edge for a variety of techniques, the goal is to find the perfect balance of sharpness and durability.
I accept checks, all major credit cards and of course cash.
Last I forget, I am also a licensed dealer for many of the major scissor companies, and I sell a lot of shears at very competitive prices. Some of the most prominent brands that I carry include Washi, Sharkfin, Sensei, SunSharpy, Jaguar, Fromm, Shisato, Mirage, Debut, Dynasty, Betty Dain and Shears Direct. If you tell me what you want, I can generally get it.