Get Sharp by Mail

After much consideration , I have made the decision to throttle back on the amount of work that I handle, and as such I will no longer be accepting mail-in shears.  But don’t despair, I would never leave my loyal customers high and dry without a high quality alternative.  In anticipation of my stepping back, I have been training a protege to take my place, and we worked side-by-side for months.  I taught him well, and he has now demonstrated to me that he is ready to fill my shoes.  I trust him to take good care of my customers, and you can trust him too. I wouldn’t say that unless I meant it.  He will treat your shears with the same care and attention to detail that I did, and I urge you to give Mike a try. 

Here is a link to his information:

To all of my loyal customers, I offer heartfelt and humble thanks. It has been a pleasure to serve you, and an honor to have earned your trust.  I take comfort in knowing that I have left you in good hands.
